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Dec 4, 2009


The Philippine STAR 12/12/2005

All the world's a stage and most of us are desperately unrehearsed.– Sean O. Casey

When people hear the word 'invest', they immediately think of the process of putting money into a business venture that would secure their financial future. Like most people, we spend so much time earning a living that we forget to invest in the most important and often neglected workhorse of our lives – our very selves.

You are your life's top resource; in fact, you are the center of, as well as the reason for, your very existence. Without a powerful and prepared you, you won't be able to realize the life you dream of and be in a better position to help others live a fuller, richer life.

Why Invest In Yourself ?

Investing in yourself empowers you to face life's challenges. Like an athlete who is in constant training, you arm and get yourself ready to win the gold when the games start. You continuously improve yourself to rise up the demanding ladder of success and self-realization. When you invest in yourself, you actually take steps to secure your future. You gear yourself to conquer the world and maximize your power to build your wealth and fortune. You turbo-charge your life with ideas and principles gathered from experts in the field you want to excel in so you would avoid pitfalls and mistakes along the way.

You must dedicate time for your self-development. You will never find time unless you deliberately schedule special moments for your goals.You will need energy to spend for your pursuit. This means conserving your physical vigor so you'd have extra stamina to spare. Focus is another important factor to provide. Without focus and unwavering persistence, you won't be able to realize what you want to achieve.

Finally, you must invest some money on yourself. A good amount of your income should be allotted for your self-improvement programs.

What To Invest In ?

• Invest in your health. Spend time and money to enhance your strengthand well-being. Enroll in a gym and exercise regularly. Learn more about energy-giving foods and plan creative meals. Use products and services that improve your physical hygiene and increase your longevity.

• Invest in your mind. Benjamin Franklin says, If a man empties his purse into his head, no one can take it away from him. An investment of knowledge always pays the best interest. Learn new ideas and information. Read books and publications, attend life-improvement seminars, and get a life guide or mentor.

• Invest in your abilities. Hone your talents and pursue your passions. Be an expert at something that truly interests you. Pay attention to, enjoy, and explore the potentials of your hobbies. Huge fortunes have been made from small home-based businesses that started as pastime hobbies. (think of Microsoft)

• Invest in your looks. These days, image has very much to do with achievement. You can power dress for success. Invest in a quality wardrobe that would give you a winning edge in your chosen profession. How you present yourself to the world determines how people react to you.

• Invest in your personality. Invest time, effort, and money for the development of your overall personality. There are many good training programs and seminars that can help you improve your speech and communication skills, attitude, deportment, projection, and socialgraces.

• Invest in anything that will give you a higher self-esteem. If you think that having a doctorate degree would increase your self- and professional-worth, go for it. If you believe wearing designer clothes and accessories would improve your self-esteem, go ahead and buy them.

• Invest in your integrity and spiritual development. Spend some time to reflect on your principles and beliefs regarding personal honor, self-respect, and spiritual well-being. Define your values and let them guide your life, and build a better character and an impeccable reputation.

• Invest in your dreams. Yes, your dreams need some investing in, too. Money and action can fuel the faster realization of your innermost desires in life. And while you are at it, you might as well invest in other people whom you love or are valuable to you – members of your family and people who work for you.

When is the best time to invest in yourself?
Around 10 years ago. But the next best time is NOW.


for your wealth and abundance,

Dennis Salvador
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